Monday, October 16, 2006

First Romeo Agility Pictures!

Our friend Gina (Chachi's mom) took pictures at agility! Yes, that's Romeo coming out of the weaves without his leash on! (It might look like he's on leash since it's dark, but look closely, I'm holding the leash rolled up in my hand, and it's not connected to him.) He went through a bunch of obstacles on the course, finishing by doing the weaves all by himself!

Also pictured below are Romeo's agility friends Ella (the affenpincher) and Chachi (the chihuahua). We're the cool kids in class!

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

In Honor of Sambora's Birthday: Karate Kitty!

In honor of Sambora's birthday, I found this cute video on Google Videos: "The Real Karate Cat." It looks like Sambora and Jezebel, right down to the coloring, size differentials, and outcome! Happy birthday, Sambora!

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Happy Birthday Sambora!

Today is Sambora's birthday! Our favorite orange fluffball turns a whopping 3 years old today!

Sambora is currently prancing around and enjoying his birthday. Tonight there will be a small celebration with his sister Jezebel and his brother Romeo.

A report on Sambora in the past year:
  • Another year, another pound gained.
  • Hates diets. Eats Jezebel's share.
  • Favorite toy: still animal print mice.
  • Loves everybody.
  • Still has a licking problem.
  • Wins fights with Jezebel most of the time, but gets humped by the dog.

Happy birthday, Sambora!
