Thursday, May 31, 2007

Doing What Jezebel Does Best!

I found Jezebel where I usually find Jezebel on laundry day: in the midst of the clean laundry, in a little cubby that she creates for herself. Today I had my camera on me. Here's what she thought of my presence:

Oh, to be a cat.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

[Pet Care Articles] Adult Onset Allergies

Romeo as a puppy had no allergies to speak of. Then, one day, he began chewing on his paws. So much so that he chewed his back paws raw. At first, I thought it was a nervous habit he had developed. I put bitter apple on, tried a bunch of holistic topical creams, but nothing worked to deter his chewing. Then he started to chew on his front paws. When I took him to the vet, she told me that it was an allergy to something in his environment. Probably grass, she said. A skin scrape (negative for mange or fungus), a cortisone shot, a course of antibiotics and prednisone, and Romeo was better.

But his antihistamine wasn't working for him. He began chewing on his paws again almost immediately. So I took him back to the vet and asked if we could try something different. She said to switch the antihistimine to something else. When I said I wanted something over the counter like Benedryl, she said to give Romeo about 1mg per pound twice a day. So now, we watch Romeo in the morning and at night for signs of bloodshot eyes or swollen eyes or feet, and in the summer, he gets a pill of Benedryl in the morning and one at night. He'll also get a pill if we know he's going to a park or a stable.

The Benedryl generally works, but sometimes it doesn't, and in the morning his paws will look like he chewed on them all night long. But his allergies are much more under control than they used to be. We also give him some holistic supplements and feed him specific food to help ease his itching (stuff that are high in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids).

Here is an antihistamine chart that I found online to help you find the correct dosage of over the counter antihistamines for your dog. I'm not responsible for the dosage suggestions here (I'm not a vet), so please consult with your vet before giving your dog any medication. This chart was meant as a jumping off point for discussion with your vet. Every animal is different, so please if you have any concerns, bring it up with your friendly neighborhood vet.

Posted By Tina to Pet Care Articles at 5/23/2007 10:30:00 AM


Saturday, May 05, 2007

Blast from the Past

I recently found this wonderful picture of Sambora, maybe around 1 year old, with Romeo when he was 7 or 8 weeks old. To say that these two bonded with each other is an understatement.

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Cat Too Scary for Canadian Mail Carrier

I just saw this strange tidbit on

Cat Too Scary for Canadian Mail Carrier

Apparently, the cat is "very threatening" and the Canadian mail refuses to deliver to the cat owner's house. The owner claims that the cat is 8 years old, declawed, and docile.

Score: Cats, 1. Canada, 0.
